11. harm of will
Just a short post about feeling lonely. Let’s start with a specific moment of loneliness, maybe it will blossom into something more as I put words to it. I was at Trapholt (Kolding, Denmark) recently for their exhibition Connect Me, which is a collection of artworks exploring viewer/participant/audience dynamics in unnerving ways. This ranges from a conversation with an AI which entices you to sell your data ( A Faustian Friendship , Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm, 2022) to a kinetic sculpture informed by facial recognition which takes inspiration from the viewers gender ( Cat's Cradle, Lilla LoCurto & Bill Outcault, 2020). I was surprisingly moved by a very simple work. Approached from afar, traversed by the galleries deep walls, there is a tree in the distance. It looks filmic - somehow flattened by smoke and lighting effect. As I get closer it pixelates, it is not a tree at all - it is a screen, maybe it is not even a real tree, it is a digital affectation of a tree. There a...