5. tightly knotted to a similar string
I wanted to practically test some of the ideas from scholarship in the studio with students, here are some things that came up: It’s so hard when my main practice isn’t necessarily pedagogy, to not connect theories around learning and teaching to my own work as a teacher. I decided to let them be a bit blurred and mashed together. I decided I would both deliver the session as a trial of taking experiential learning as form and guide, but also trying to teach and articulate some of the areas where I feel I have significant learning - but that I wouldn’t normally incorporate into my teaching practice (especially with pre-professionals.) And here it gets messier. Because I have a real interest in developing and making space for the autonomy of performers I work with. However, this becomes complicated as I’m engaging with theory around reflective learning which now I see relates both to what I’ve learned and also how I’ve learned it. I feel some clarity in this: Schön (1987) on The...