
Showing posts from April, 2023

14. if love is a red dress (hang me in rags) - acoustic demo version

I'm writing whilst I wait for my pasta to be ready. I'm not entirely sure it's a vegetarian pasta. Sometimes in Denmark they just slip meat into unexpected places. So I'm suspicious. We have a deadline soon. I'm very disconnected to everything. I do all this reading and writing and formulating and then I have a break where I don't look at my work. When I come back to it I can't quite believe that it's my work at all. It sounds clever, it has knowledge that I've already forgotten. I almost feel sad for the person who has read all these books and boiled it up into this thing in front of me - somewhat impressed. It's really a feeling of looking at yourself from the outside, like these dreams where you can't move or something like that, and it actually means you're dead. But anyway I'm not dead it's just a weird numb sensation. Very disconnected from things. Also when I come back to all my ideas and interests I can feel restless, it...

13. until the real thing comes along

Communicating Your Ideas! I have been thinking about this a lot, it feels very complex - it becomes all mashed together with beliefs about storytelling and art in general, a desire to feel something, a desire to express, to be together, to be slow, to be fast, to be gentle, to be wild and reckless, to listen and get lost in the details, to entertain simplicity, to offer minimalism as a way into the depths of our fantasies, to assert the right to make bad art, to tell incomplete stories, to make selfish work… All of these things. I am thinking about words and language - trying to make space for those who do not experience the world in a primarily linguistic mode. So for me, I am trying to communicate my ideas without words and to understand my ideas beyond words. One of the clearest ways I observe this being done is through sensory stories, and I have been trying to communicate and imagine my ideas as sensory stories - there are some really great resources that have guided me through th...

12. tomorrow belongs to me - reprise

  Hi everyone, I took an impulsive trip to London over the easter weekend, to see some friends, family and get inspired by some art!   Here is a little writing from some of the performances and exhibitions I visited: Thin Air are we making art for instagram? maybe we should be doing. probably we already are. are we reflected in art or seen in our vanities. are we building the most expansive and well-detailed archives through our capturing of absolutely everything. maybe we’re not really capturing anything. just smiling in front of things. dancing yoga on memorials. eating food that’s cold because we took so long filming it. maybe we’re living. maybe we only want to show what is pretty. maybe we dance in the flashing lights because we have become the protagonist. maybe this is the beauty of privilege in societies that become better at facilitating individualistic expression. i can’t decide if i’m distracted or fascinated by people. their boredom, their narcissism equally s...