12. tomorrow belongs to me - reprise
I took an impulsive trip to London over the easter weekend, to see some friends, family and get inspired by some art!
Here is a little writing from some of the performances and exhibitions I visited:
are we making art for instagram?
maybe we should be doing.
probably we already are.
are we reflected in art or seen in our vanities.
are we building the most expansive and well-detailed archives through our capturing of absolutely everything.
maybe we’re not really capturing anything.
just smiling in front of things.
dancing yoga on memorials.
eating food that’s cold because we took so long filming it.
maybe we’re living.
maybe we only want to show what is pretty.
maybe we dance in the flashing lights because we have become the protagonist.
maybe this is the beauty of privilege in societies that become better at facilitating individualistic expression.
i can’t decide if i’m distracted or fascinated by people.
their boredom, their narcissism equally stimulates my experiences.
so when i’m standing in this huge room with lights flashing around me i get glimpses.
glimpses of couples on their first dates.
well behaved children.
badly behaved children.
free-spirited students tripping on life.
the lights catch them and it seems to mean something.
they are swept away into the darkness and i don’t know if i will ever see them again.
it feels like the worlds calmest horror movie.
i’m not scared.
just occupied by the ghosts of living people.
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