9. final results

I’m not sure what to write about today. I’m digesting. My brain is both full and empty.

I need a structure. I want to be in charge of it and at its mercy. 

I want to offer it to you as a thing.

So - I decided I would design a little online scavenger hunt, four prompts that will give me four words. I will then have to write a paragraph about each word I have. Here is the structure I designed if you would like to give it a go:

Using your favourite search engine, do each of the following tasks:
  1. search for “[name of a famous person] fashion disaster!” and take the second word of the second search result
  2. search for “[the amount of pets you have] ways to get rich” and take the third word of the description of the most bizarre result that comes up
  3. search for “is quentin tarantino [pick your favourite suggested autocomplete]?” and click on the first link - take the first word of the second paragraph.
  4. search for “[somewhere you think is beautiful]” - go to images and select the first image that disappoints you - click on it, pick the first word on the page that excites you. 

1. Online

This feels spooky - one of my areas of learning is 'the participative audience in a digital space'. I'm interested in the liveness of theatre, the risk of it, the stakes of failure - how do they exist in online work? I love the form of the TV series SKAM which would be released as clips and social media posts in 'real time'. Online performance as intervention into our timelines. While it becomes so important to understand what is real that we see online, what does it mean to be making work that plays with this. The pros and cons of invading online spaces with my art. Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted. (Cesar Cruz) Also something that Honor shared - run your own social by Darius Kazemi and especially Dolphin Town - a social media site where you can only post using the letter e.

2. Number

For some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is Wayne McGregor's Autobiography (2018) which was made using the choreographer's genetic code. I didn't see the work I just read some bad reviews of it - there were also some good reviews that I didn't read. The show changed at every performance, instructed by a computer informed by a genetic sequence. Hence why it came to mind against the word 'number'. Writing in The Telegraph, Mark Monahan writes: "the laudable behind-the-scenes intelligence and inventiveness translate into a spectacle that’s as exasperating as it is superficially handsome." I guess it's a taste thing - in my own work I'm questioning if there are a number of possibilities - why?

3. Began  

Beginnings! I'm beginning to think about the endings of things at the minute actually. I guess through looking back at reflection in my work, I'm focusing on the moments in between projects, I'm beginning to understand more of the lines that connect things. I'm beginning to find inspiration for what I want next, I'm putting words to what I'm missing. I'm beginning to draw a clearer list of things I'm willing to sacrifice and things I can't be budged on. My body is beginning to need a rest. So is my brain. I'm starting to plant seeds to put more words to my movement vocabulary, especially in regards to complexity, individuality and risk. I'm on the look out for a new TV series that I can watch and switch off to - I hope I can begin a great one soon.

4. Adventure

What feels like an adventure to you? Where do I take you to a place that lies on the border of your comfort level? How do I regulate that to accommodate differences? I don't actually know what adventure is more important, that which I take my audience on, my students on, myself on... If I let myself go on an adventure will it invite adventurousness in those I'm around, how much can I trust the emissions and spreading of my experiences. Is adventure more important in my private life, sometimes I need adventure to recharge to be away from things and come back with fresh eyes. I associate adventure with magic and childish wonder and I think, in turn, I associate some of my strongest experiences of receiving art within this realm of feeling - when someone is flying and I can't see the wires.


Final Results - Strictly Come Dancing, Season 1, Episode 9


  1. Matthew! I have been having the toughest week and reading your post has filled me with joy. Funny, right, that you started your post with not being sure what to write and filling someone with excitement with what you had written. I love these types of scores, they make me think of Yoko Ono or Fluxus. Mixing the randomness of the everyday and transforming it into something special. Art, really. I will absolutely follow your directions - I am curious to see what will pop out. I loved this quote "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted. (Cesar Cruz)". Thanks for sharing, it resonnates a lot.. both with myself and my practice.

    My previous work was part of Aerowaves 2020. Unfortunately, the platform did not happen live/in the real world, but online/in the digital world BUT live. Like in real time but online. Aerowaves commissioned some of us to create a digital work and to challenge audience participation through it. I beautifully failed at it! Ekin Tunçeli made something incredible, participatory, poetic, interconnected and...digital. and live : https://www.ekintunceli.com/somewhereonlyweknow


    Thank you!

    1. Hi Léa, I am so happy you got some joy from the post I shared. Yes this state of transformation and how that can set up beautiful failures is so exciting. Meg Stuart's 'Solo Scores for Now' are also absolutely amazing, there are scores like "For 14 days, listen to Miles Davis 'Bitches Brew' once a day whilst cooking. See what happens."
      I will definitely look at Ekin's work - thank you for sending :) x


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